We are the hotel lobby of your rental

The handing over of keys to an Airbnb accommodation places a time-specific burden on both the guest and the host.

Luggage storage partnership
Luggage storage partnership
Key delivery
Key delivery
Check-in check-out assistance
Check-in check-out assistance
Event space
Event space

If a guest arrives late — or maybe even not at all — the host is left to wait around when there might be dozens of other things that need doing. If the host arrives late, precious minutes, or perhaps hours, of a long-awaited getaway slip away into thin air.

Urban Lobby relieves both parties of this burden and its unpleasant consequences by providing an intermediary “key delivery” service. Definitely a win-win solution!

Urban Lobby also provides a range of other host services to assist the traveler in need of information on Airbnb accommodations, laundry services, equipment rental, host-affiliated programs or activities — and much more!

Interested in Urban Lobby host services?